On 30th July 2006, when I was on the way back from Sweden to Malaysia, I had to stayed in Vienna airport for almost 6 hours to get on to the connecting flight.
Thus, I took the opportunity to visit the city center.
Vienna embraces the Mozart legend as the city marks the composer's 250th birthday in 2006

You may view the full album@http://cvlai.shutterfly.com/ Vienna, Austria(维也纳,奥地利)

Spot#1(焦点一): the Flight(维也纳航程)

Note:Flight attendant in the Vienna Airlines "red" colour Stewardess uniform(穿着维也纳航空公司“红”色制服的乘务员)

Spot#2(焦点二): the Airport(维也纳机场)
Note:I met ms.Tan Swee Wan(ex-colleague from Infopro). So sorry for the bad photo quality.(在那里遇见了旧同事,对这照片的质量感到非常的报歉)

Note:Inside the aiport(机场内观)

Note:Veinna's World Trade Center which is located nearby the airport.(位于机场附近的世界贸易中心)

Spot#3(焦点三): the Vienna city(维也纳市景)
Note:How did I get there? I took Vienna Airport Lines(Airport Express Buses). It takes 20 minutes to reach the city. The service runs for every 30 minutes, and it costs 6 euro per single trip or 11 euro for a round trip.(我乘坐机场快线巴士从机场到维也纳市。这只是需要二十分钟。该巴士服务是每半小时一班,往返车费是十一欧元)

Note:Police station & its car.(维也纳警局与警车)

Note:bicycle lane at the pedestrian bridge(拥用自行车车道的行人桥)

Note: and the rest...

You may view the full album@http://cvlai.shutterfly.com/ Vienna, Austria(维也纳,奥地利)

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