The capital of China's Jiangsu Province, and a city with a prominent place in Chinese history and culture. Nanjing served as the capital of China during several historical periods. This is the 4th stand of my personal trip to China on 26th Dec 2007. Unfortunately, Nanjing Museum was closed due to renovation!

Note: Xian Ren Shan is one of the Motorway Service Areas between Wuxi and Nanjing.(仙人山高速公路休息区处于从无锡往南京途中)

You may view the full album@ Nanjing, China(江南七日游之“南京”)

Spot#1(焦点一): Qinhuai River Night Scenery(秦淮河畔夜景)

Qin Huai River is the largest river in Nanjing. Qinhuai scenery, famous of river boats with hanging lanterns at night. Qinhuai scenery zone, including the Zhan Yuan, Confucius Temple, Egret Island, China Gate, and others along the Qinhuai river landscape.
Here you can enjoy a wide variety of Jinling snacks, as well as the well known Nanjing duck meat dishes!

Note: This is the hotel room(酒店房间)

Spot#2(焦点二): Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge(南京长江大桥)

The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge was completed in 1968, is the first bridge to be built across the Yangtze River in Nanjing, China. It is 6,772 meters (22,212 ft) long and has a span of 160 m (525 ft)—it can take up to 15 minutes to cross during regular traffic periods. The bridge became a source of pride and an important symbol of modern China.

Spot#3(焦点三): Gong Liang Art Gallery(龚良画苑)
Gong Liang is a China national-level Chinese painting art master, but also the current president of the Nanjing Museum

Spot#4(焦点四): The Stone City(石头城)

The Stone City is the popular name of an ancient fortified city within the current city of Nanjing. Almost all of the original city is gone; all that remains are portions of the massive city wall.
(南京石头城全长约3000米 ,筑于楚威王七年(前333年)。据说,诸葛亮途经秣陵县时,特地骑马到石头山观察山川形势。他看到以钟山为首的群山,像苍龙一般蜿蜒蟠伏于东南,而以石头山为终点的西部诸山,又像猛虎似地雄踞在大江之滨,于是发出了“钟山龙蟠,石头虎踞,真乃帝王之宅也”的赞叹。

You may view the full album@ Nanjing, China(江南七日游之“南京”)

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