An old industrial city, Wuxi was originally a mining town. It subsequently became an arts and cultural center. It also well known for its freshwater pearl industry. This is the personal trip to China on 25th Dec 2007

You may view the full album@ Wuxi, China(江南七日游之“无锡”)

Spot#1(焦点一): Romance of Three Kingdom Movie City(无锡三国影视城)
It is one of the China's national-level 5A scenic spots. This is where the 84-episode TV series "Romance of Three Kingdoms" had been shooted by the China Central Television.

Note: The scene of "Empty City Strategy" has been shooted at the front gate.(城门楼原是《三国演义》中诸葛亮智设“空城计”,退了司马懿几十万大军的拍摄地)

Note: Groups of three kingdom statues(里面有一组组的三国人物兵马群雕栩栩如生,形神兼备,各占一方)

Note: Cao Cao's Sea Fortress(曹营水旱寨是《三国演义》中“火烧赤壁”、“横槊赋诗”、“草船借箭”等戏的拍摄所在)

Note: Wu's Royal Palace and the Palace garden(吴王宫与宫后花园)

Note:Juxian Hall(这是诸葛亮舌战群儒、联吴抗曹的聚贤堂。当时在表演着吕布,貂蝉与董卓反目的情节)

Note: Wu's Dock(吴营码头,这里的古船载游客驶入烟波浩渺的太湖,一览风光旖旎的湖光山色

Note: Partial Romance of Three Kingdom performance(《三英战吕布》是景点重点节目表演之一)

Note: Other attractions(其他景点)

Spot#2(焦点二): Wuxi at night(无锡夜景)

Spot#3(焦点三): Li Lake Town(蠡湖新城风景区)

Spot#4(焦点四): Wuxi Ling Shan(无锡灵山)
It is the AAAA-level scenic spot in Wuxi. The 88 metres Grand Buddha is one of the largest Buddha statues in China, and it is the ninth tallest statue worldwide.

Note:Birth of the Buddha performance(“佛祖诞生”是那里的重点节目之一)

Note: Wuxi preserved duck(无锡腊鸭)

You may view the full album@ Wuxi, China(江南七日游之“无锡”)

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