At the end of 2006, due to the 2nd project (Gilde) implementation, that was my first time to visit another Scandanavian country - Norway. And the first time into "Middle" of Norway ("Middle Of Nowhere??" :p) - Steinkjer.
Steinkjer is a quite special "city" (which it only has about 20.000 population), even it has been populated since the Stone Age, but it celebrated its 150 years of anniversary of establishment of the city in 2007.
在2006年底,由于要实施第二项目( Gilde )的关系,我就有了机会到另一个北欧国家-挪威,而且是到挪威中部城市-斯泰恩谢尔。她是一个相当特殊的城市 (其中人口只有约两万人) ,即使她自石器时代开始发展,但才在2007年庆祝其城市成立150周年。)

There is no direct flight into the city. So, the project team (including me) has to takes a two hours flight from Göteborg into capital city of Norway-Oslo, then takes an hour domestic flight to another city-Trondheim, and finally, takes a 1.5 hours train into Steinkjer.

You may view the full album@ Steinkjer, Norway(斯泰恩谢尔,挪威)

Spot#1(焦点一):The Journey(路程点滴)

Note: Most of the time, I will travel from Göteborg with him - The "good looking" project team leader (and one of the best friends) from Swisslog Sweden, Mr. Johan Stefors.(很多时候,我与他共同从哥德堡前往斯泰恩谢尔。而他就是此项目组长(兼其中一个最好的朋友)

Note: I travelled there quite often using SAS (Scandanavian Airlines). Sometimes. I was sitting at the windows seat.(我常使用SAS(北欧航空公司)到那里。而我有时就坐在窗口座位。)

Note: Just a reminder to those who wishes to travel domestic flights in Norway (especially in Oslo airport), you need to QUEUE QUICKLY at the boarding counter when the counter is open.
Even you have checked-in earlier with a valid seat number, but your seat will be taken away if you board after the counter is just opens for half an hours!!
This is because of there are a lots of passengers with later flights are waiting in front of the counter to board into earlier flight, and this is allowed in Oslo airport!
As a compensation, they "may" provide the following voucher for you to use in the airport.

Note:The company arranged the first-class seats(on a short haul flights) to us, so I have the opportunity to enter the SAS airport lounge.

Note: You may see "it" on the airport's floor when you are leaving Norway from Oslo airport.(当你将要从奥斯陆机场离开挪威时,您可能会在在机场地板上看到“它”。)

Translation: After the winter, spring, summer and yet another circle of seasons, I firmly believe that one day you will come back, I promise to wait for you.

Note:NSB or the Norwegian State Railways offers the fast, covenient and cheaper trip from town to town.(挪威国家铁路公司提供了快捷,便利和便宜的旅程)

Spot#2(焦点二):The City(市景介绍)

Note: This is the central station for the train and taxi(cab).(这是火车和德士总站)

Note: The Quality Grand Hotel is the only hotel which is located at the main street. This was my home (for a month) in Steinkjer. (这是唯一坐落于主要街道的旅馆。我在这里住了一个月。)

Note:Steinkjer Rådhus (town hall) is located nearby the Quality Grand Hotel.(这是位于旅馆附近的斯泰恩谢尔民众大会堂)

Note: There is only a few restaurants in the city center. One of it is the Italian restaurant.(这是坐落于市中心的意大利餐厅(很少餐厅是坐落于市中心的))
From the left, Mr. Patrik Schifferle (Swisslog Swiss), Mr. Johan Stefors (Swisslog Sweden), and Mr. Löffler Helmut (An Austrian Automation Project Leader from Swisslog Swiss)

Note:Steinkjer church, the symbolic icon of the city(这是象征斯泰恩谢尔的教堂)

Note:The Nordic style houses(充满北欧建筑风格的房屋)

Note:Steinkjer University(斯泰恩谢尔大学)

Note:The standalone cashless petrol station(独立式加油站)

Note:Onkel Oskar (Uncle Oscar) is the famous pub in town. (这是城里的著名酒吧)

Note:This is another type of powered vehicle on the street(这是在街道上的动力汽车)

Note:The lovely couple who asked me took their photo when I was taking the photos in one of weekends.(当我在四处拍照时,这对可爱的情侣见到就要我帮他们拍照了)

Note:This is one of the popular outdoor activities in Steinkjer.(这是其中一种在斯泰恩谢尔的户外活动)

Note: and Others...

Spot#3(焦点三):The Scenery(人间仙境)

Note:Due to its natural landscape, most the houses are built on the mountains, and seemed to give a sense of place in paradise.(由于其自然环境因素,大部分的房屋都是建在山上,也仿佛给人一种置身于世外桃源的感觉。赞!)

You may view the full album@ Steinkjer, Norway(斯泰恩谢尔,挪威)

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    Esther Ong said...

    很喜欢挪威。不过只去过Oslo. 那边的景色很美很美,物价也很高。不懂几时才有机会再去。

  1. ... on 4 July 2009 at 11:07  
  2. Chuan Voon Lai said...


  3. ... on 5 July 2009 at 06:46